Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Role Of Academic Classes On The Classroom - 837 Words
would not consider themselves in poverty, they would think they were middle class.†He also noted that districts that have markedly higher scores across America have a few things in common and affluence is one of them. He expressed an interest in looking at ways to educate the parents when we had captive audiences, such as an open house, to some of the Ruby Payne professional development. We tabled the discussion and moved forward with the agenda to identify the areas of concern from the data. Based on the data collected respect was not an issue across the school but it was interesting to see that students graded themselves more disrespectful than other stakeholders. The academic classes were perceived to be most important to all stakeholders as opposed to the extra-curricular activities and supplemental programs offered. Across all groups of stakeholders rigor was only seen in some classes and not all. Almost 90% of the teachers indicated this was an issue. All stakeholders ex cept the parents were satisfied overall with SCHS. Identified Needs The identified needs were: 1. Parental involvement- further identified as a lack of value of education and not wanting their children to have more than they have. There is also a level of low satisfaction with our parents for the high school. 2. Policies at the school were identified as an area which needed improved by the students. 3. Career Prep was in the top two in the needs improvement category for three of the four identifiedShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of A National Study By Add Health1485 Words  | 6 Pageslives makes all the difference. A national study by Add Health found that children who feel a connection with their school are less likely to engage in deviant adolescent behavior (Blum Rinehart 1997). Students may have the same state regulated academic standards and may have similar funding but school districts can have vastly different learner outcomes. 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