Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Risk Management Plan - 2105 Words
U03a1 Risk Management Best Practices Derrick Evans Capella University BMGT8434 Advanced Risk Management Systems and Research January 24, 2013 Professor Schneider Project Risk Plan Executive Summary HESU Global’s (pseudo named) PMO in conjunction with the Business Continuity Department will develop and implement the risk management approach. Organizational assets and support for the project will be directed and managed by business continuity. An example project and brief scope are included below for instructional purposes. PMO will assign a project manager to oversee the project daily activities, however the PMO maintains responsibility for: †¢ Develop modification requirement and†¦show more content†¦Gather historical data, prepare documentation. | | |Produce Top Ten Risks, Develop Risk Management Plan, Present Project Scope (if available). | |Analyze |Perform qualitative and quantitative risk analysis for the data gathered, prioritize risk, assess | | |risk impact. Define impact and impact categories establish risk attitude, identify and remove risk | | |bias, leverage expert judgment. Utilize impact/probability matrixes to develop a two dimensional | | |measure of risk. Refine Top Ten Risk, Risk Management Plan, Begin Risk Plan Timeline. | |Plan |Based on analysis of quantitative and qualitative risk impact and probability create a risk | | |register to include: cost, time, trends, probability for identified risk. Prioritize list and | | |finalize the Top Ten Risks. Plan risk responses, for high impact risk or high uncertainty | | |contingency plans should be followed with fallback planning; Plan all according to risk attitude | | |and strategy. Decide on risk related contractShow MoreRelatedPlan Risk And Risk Management Plan1708 Words  | 7 Pages 342), Plan risk response â€Å"†¦ is the process of developing options and actions to enhance opportunities and to reduce threats to project objectives.†This is a link of project risk management during which the PM and the project team can use the analysis result from prior assessments and choose the effective risk management strategy. By planning risk response, the project’s risks can be addressed with their priority, insert resources, and activities, and put into the triple constrains plans if neededRead MoreRisks And Risk Management Plan1240 Words  | 5 PagesRisk Management Plan Introduction An important part any project is to identify risks and to determine how to address said risks. In this paper, I will identify 10 risks that could occur during the making of Coleman Covenant Studios. I will also assess and address each risk in detail. 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The process is primarily left to the project manager but it was decided during planning that risk managers will be appointed. Negative risk that may result in project failureRead MoreRisk Management Plan For A Risk Assessment879 Words  | 4 PagesThe goal of a risk assessment is to figure out all of the risks and vulnerabilities there are, or could possibly be within a business. The goal of a risk management plan is to then figure out how to mitigate those risks and vulnerabilities to lessen the impact on the business if ever one should arise. Creating a plan helps not only to identify any risks, but also helps to choose the best solutions available to mitigate those risks. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
The Tried and True Method for Research Paper Writing Services in Step by Step Detail
The Tried and True Method for Research Paper Writing Services in Step by Step Detail Research Paper Writing Services Fundamentals Explained It's likewise not efficient to do too much research before you truly understand what you're searching for. Speak with the reference librarian if you will need any type of assistance. Keeping that in mind, it is reasonable for a student to a small amount of research in order to guarantee that the academic partner they select isn't only superior but genuine and legate. Research Paper Writing Services - Dead or Alive? There are various ways it is possible to finish a research paper based in time, abilities and resources you've got available. For example, you are very likely to finish your assignment on time in case you have planned on the exact same. Possessing a customized assignment writing services for you're able to help save time and receive a greater academic presentation. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Public Health Intervention Program-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Public health intervention program on active transportation (AT) in Canada. Answer: Public health intervention program on active transportation (AT) in Canada Active transportation (AT) as a form of public health promotion program involves the defined mode of transportation such as walking, cycling, and public transit (Saidla, 2017). Active transport has quite a number of measurable public health benefits attributed to it such as reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetic among other chronic conditions as suggested by (Macridis et al., 2016). At the same time, there are environmental benefits including reduction in carbon dioxide emission which translates to reduced Air pollution and ease of traffic congestion. For example, in Canada research findings have established high physical inactivity as a result of a low number of individuals walking and cycling in communities as compared to use of the automobile as means of transport according to (Parkin et al., 2008). World health organization classifies AT as healthy public polies (WHO, 2015), the same has been classified as health in all polies in Finland as suggested by (Chan, 2013). Such approaches have been taken to provide solutions to health determinants by focusing on clear considerations of health effects of strategies that are not regularly found within the health sector. According to (Newman et al., 2015), social determinants that are focusing on health advocacy have experience challenges to have their approvals rendered into the real implementable policies. Some of this challenges have been attributed to the fact that most of the researchers involved in the policy formulation are all from the health sector with little grasp on the public policy. Recommendation from different quarters has suggested that political scientists are involved in such policy formulation due to their knowledge of the theoretical framework as suggested (Bernier and Clavier 2011). For example, Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) has been recommended as the best approach to use for the analysis of social determinant-based health policies (SDH). ACF has been successfully used in mental health intervention related policies and tobacco control policies as suggested by (Swigger and Heinmiller, 2014). The government Canada and non-government organization supported the active transportation as a way of public health intervention policy. Whereas, planning, design, and implementation was a sole responsibility for the municipalities and regional governments. Active transportation is an area of specific interest for health promotion for the Public Health Agency of Canada due to it would assist in increasing physical activity levels (Saidla, 2017). According to (World health organization, 2015), being physically inactive have been ranked fourth leading risk factor for cardiovascular diseases with highest mortality rates registered in the industrialized countries. Moreover, research has revealed that policies encouraging active transportation positively correlate with pedestrians and cyclist safety as suggested by (Saidla et al., 2017). AT public health policy promotion in Ottawa has adopted a theory of policy process as a model that focuses on factors affecting politics resulting in ult imate policy choices. Therefore the government of Canada opted for ACF adoption for the full analysis of the social determinants of health. However, there are challenges facing the active transportation policy in Canada, there are gaps in the way evidence and effective practices regarding the AT policy was shared a cross Canada. For example, to fill those gaps a project referred to as Mobilizing Knowledge for active Transportation (MKAT) was formed and championed by center for disease prevention a unit within Public Health Agency of Canada. MKAT played a key role in promoting effective approaches to active transportation. The overall objective for MKAT was to solicit for evidence based information that influenced the strategies used in active transportation in Canada as suggested by (Breton and Leeuw, 2010). The AT policy promotion in Ottawa through MKAT used different strategies in order to achieve its objective on information gathering in order to produce implementable policy. For example, information on current strategies and policies were gathered through interviews with regional government officials and internet sea rch. Public Health intervention policy on Mental Health in Canada It is projected that persons with severe mental disorders (SMD) such as schizophrenia and bipolar die 10-20 years much earlier that the general population as suggested by (Liu et al., 2017). Moreover, high premature mortality rates for the SMD have been reported across different countries globally. However, despite such worrying trend there are no progress made to curb the high mortality rates from different governments around the world. In fact, new emerging empirical data revels that the gap has widened four times with recently published articles revealing standardized mortality ration that is greater than the earlier released as suggested by (Olfson et al., 2015). It is reported that most of the reported deaths among the individuals suffering from SMD are related to physical inactivity which is a risk factor for diseases such as cardiovascular disease. According to (Walker et al., 2015; Olfson et al., 2015), persons suffering from SMD have 2-3 times chances of dying of cardiovascu lar diseases than the general population according to. The already existing intervention public health promotion programs that are meant to curb the high mortality rates among SMD persons faces numerous challenges. Some of those challenges include cultural believes and attitude of various stake-holders involved, limited resources and mental health experts, and the ability of the individuals suffering from SMD to access public health intervention programs. Whereas, at the policy level lack of priority is a major problem, which needs top-level incorporation and promotion of various intervention programs including mental health, nutrition and physical activity as suggested by (McPherson et al., 2017). For example, in Canada youth and children mental health system lacks proper funding and there is clear fragmentation as suggested by (Kutcher et al., 2015). Moreover, the problem has been worsened by the severe shortage of mental health experts within the rural communities in Canada. Geographical and professional isolation has been cited as a barrier to successful implementation of the public health intervention program in the rural parts of Canada and as a result it has hindered expert retention in those areas (Boydell, Pignatiello, 2014). Within the urban areas the prevalent challenges facing mental health intervention policies fronted by the public health are structural related including lack of proper mental health facilities cost and transportation. In Canada the use of technology to deliver mental health care services have been successfully utilized to reduce the barrier on the service delivery to the persons suffering from SMD living in the rural communities. The use of videoconferencing has been used for assessment, consultancy and delivery of therapy to the SMD patients, the measurable success has been filling the gaps created by geographical and professional isolation experienced in rural areas of Canada (Macnaughton et al., 2017). The government of Canada prioritized the effective approach of addressing social determinants of health (SDH) and health equity, as a key component of promoting public health policies on mental health (McPherson et al., 2016). The government of Canada has defined SDH in terms of economic and social environment that shape the health of persons, communities and authorities whereas health equity is defined as lack of systemic differences in health or in major SDH as suggested by (Raphael, 2009). It is worth noting that collaboration with different levels of government, local communities and other health partners such as NGOs have been as been a key attribute of Canadian mental health intervention policy. Similarities between the two public health intervention programs in Canada Involvement of different of level of leadership has been identified as a key ingredient to the successful implementation of the public health intervention program in the Canada case. For example leadership was well defined at different level that include individual, organization and systemic for the public health intervention program on mental health. Whereas, for the public health policy on active transportation (AT), the political goodwill has been cited as one of the factor that contributed to the acceptance of the policy through advocacy. At the same time, collaboration between government and other actors has been witnessed in both public health policies. Use of social determinant of health (SDH) has been exploited the government of Canada in order to achieve the objectives of the two public health intervention policies. Moreover, some of the challenges faced during the implementation of the two policies were avoided through the use of technology. General public are in danger of increased death from cardiovascular diseases in absence of the two public health policies. Differences between the two public health interventional programs One of the key contributing factor to the successful implementation of the Active transportation (AT) in Canada is good Transport system, whereas lack of good transportation within the local communities areas have been cited as a challenge foe successful for implementation mental health intervention program. Geographical and professional isolation has been cited as a barrier to successful implementation of the intervention program on mental health, whereas for active Transportation system there was no barrier due to such. There is lack of government commitment with regards to resource allocation for the public health interventional program for the mental health, the same is not witnessed in the active transportation program where the government resources have been cited as a major contributor for the successful implementation. Conclusion In conclusion it is evidence that leadership at different levels including individual, organization and systemic that is combined with social strategy and political goodwill have also contributed immensely to the success of the mental health intervention and health equity programs and active transportation (AT) in Canada. Leadership at an individual level include competencies such as skills and attitude that are necessary for effective policy advocacy; at the organizational level it entails funds allocation, human resource mobilization and adherence to external policies. Reference list Bernier, N. F., Clavier, C. (2011). Public health policy research: making the case for a political science approach.Health promotion international,26(1), 109-116. Boydell, K. M., Hodgins, M., Pignatiello, A., Teshima, J., Edwards, H., Willis, D. (2014). Using technology to deliver mental health services to children and youth: a scoping review. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 23(2), 87. Breton, E., De Leeuw, E. (2010). Theories of the policy process in health promotion research: a review.Health promotion international,26(1), 82-90. Chan, M. (2013, June). WHO Director-General addresses health promotion conference. InOpening address at the 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion Helsinki(Vol. 10). Kutcher, S., Wei, Y., Morgan, C. (2015). Successful application of a Canadian mental health curriculum resource by usual classroom teachers in significantly and sustainably improving student mental health literacy. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 60(12), 580-586. Liu, N. H., Daumit, G. L., Dua, T., Aquila, R., Charlson, F., Cuijpers, P., ... Gaebel, W. (2017). Excess mortality in persons with severe mental disorders: a multilevel intervention framework and priorities for clinical practice, policy and research agendas. World psychiatry, 16(1), 30-40. Macnaughton, E., Nelson, G., Goering, P., Piat, M. (2017). Moving evidence into policy: the story of the at Home/Chez Soi initiatives impact on federal homelessness policy in Canada, and its implications for the spread of Housing First in Europe and Internationally. Eur J Homelessness. Macridis, S., Bengoechea, E. G., McComber, A. M., Jacobs, J., Macaulay, A. C. (2016). Active transportation to support diabetes prevention: Expanding school health promotion programming in an Indigenous community.Evaluation and program planning,56, 99-108. McPherson, C., Ploeg, J., Edwards, N., Ciliska, D., Sword, W. (2017). A catalyst for system change: a case study of child health network formation, evolution and sustainability in Canada. BMC health services research, 17(1), 100. McPherson, C., Ndumbe-Eyoh, S., Betker, C., Oickle, D., Peroff-Johnston, N. (2016). Swimming against the tide: A Canadian qualitative study examining the implementation of a province-wide public health initiative to address health equity. International journal for equity in health, 15(1), 129. McPherson, C. M., McGibbon, E. A. (2010). Addressing the determinants of child mental health: Intersectionality as a guide to primary health care renewal. CJNR (Canadian Journal of Nursing Research), 42(3), 50-64. Mitra, R., Buliung, R. N. (2012). Built environment correlates of active school transportation: neighborhood and the modifiable areal unit problem.Journal of transport geography,20(1), 51-61. Meurk, C., Leung, J., Hall, W., Head, B. W., Whiteford, H. (2016). Establishing and governing e-mental health care in Australia: a systematic review of challenges and a call for policy-focussed research. Journal of medical Internet research, 18(1). Newman, L., Baum, F., Javanparast, S., O'Rourke, K., Carlon, L. (2015). Addressing social determinants of health inequities through settings: a rapid review.Health Promotion International,30(suppl_2), ii126-ii143. Olfson, M., Druss, B. G., Marcus, S. C. (2015). Trends in mental health care among children and adolescents. New England Journal of Medicine, 372(21), 2029-2038. Olfson, M., Gerhard, T., Huang, C., Crystal, S., Stroup, T. S. (2015). Premature mortality among adults with schizophrenia in the United States. JAMA psychiatry, 72(12), 1172-1181. Parkin, J., Wardman, M., Page, M. (2008). Estimation of the determinants of bicycle mode share for the journey to work using census data.Transportation,35(1), 93-109. Raphael, D. (Ed.). (2009). Social determinants of health: Canadian perspectives. Canadian Scholars Press. Richard, L., Gauvin, L. (2017). Building and implementing ecological health promotion interventions. Health Promotion in Canada: New Perspectives on Theory, Practice, Policy, and Research, 84. Saidla, K. (2017). Health promotion by stealth: active transportation success in Helsinki, Finland.Health promotion international, daw110. Swigger, A., Heinmiller, B. T. (2014). Advocacy coalitions and mental health policy: The adoption of community treatment orders in Ontario.Politics Policy,42(2), 246-270. Walker, E. R., McGee, R. E., Druss, B. G. (2015). Mortality in mental disorders and global disease burden implications: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA psychiatry, 72(4), 334-341. World Health Organization. (2015). Global health observatory data repository. Prevalence of Insufficient physical activity among adults. Data by country. Retrieved from: https://apps.who.int/gho/data/view.main.2463
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Jubilee by Margaret Walker The Symbolic Importance of the Lady in Black and of the Two Lovers Essay Example
Jubilee by Margaret Walker: The Symbolic Importance of the Lady in Black and of the Two Lovers Essay An important theme in Jubilee by Margaret Walker (Walker 1-490) is freedom. The three important characters in the story, Vyry, Randall Ware and Innis Brown, are constantly engaged in the quest for freedom. This entails not just their political liberties, but also the freedom to choose one’s marriage partner and the freedom to configure interpersonal relations in ways they see fit. Walker wrote Jubilee a century after the end of the Civil War and at the outbreak of the Civil Rights movement. To this extent, the range and scope of freedoms that Vyry and the two men in her life are seeking is representative of the aspirations of blacks in America. What Walker also suggests is that the feminist strivings are not exclusive of a broader political search of equality. Indeed, the two causes are intricately connected and partly explain why Vyry and her two lovers are showcased in the same scenes in the novel (Graham 96). Apart from this symbolic display of solidarity, another reaso n why these characters appear together is to contrast their different mindsets and attitudes. In other words, there seems to be some diversity of personality and character within the larger common objective of freedom. To illustrate, in one passage Innis Brown responding to his wife Vyry states, â€Å"Just like you can make candles and soap and feather beds, rag rugs, and quilts, and spin and weave and sew, and cooking was your main job, I learned to do a lot, of things ‘sides working in the fields.†(Walker quoted in Cash 78). The message here is one of establishing the dichotomy between the masculine and the feminine. The other dichotomies that these pairings bring out are those of â€Å"black versus white, rich versus poor, empowered versus disempowered, enslaved versus free†(Beaulieu 15). Walker, writing in the middle of the twentieth century, adds another pair into the list, namely, legally enslaved versus legally free. One crucial way in which the genre of slave narrative is revised in Jubilee is the attention paid to the personal (especially the romantic) facets of Vyry’s difficult life. This is accomplished by showcasing the relationship between Vyry and her two lovers at several points in the work. Vyry’s loyalties are thoroughly tested as she is made to choose between â€Å"her loyalty to her first husband and her white family and loyalty to her second husband and her children. She is guided by her Christian ethics in arriving at a practical rather than radical resolution of the conflict†(Bell 289). Her great virtues are best illustrated when she bravely sets about resolving these conflicts. As she successfully resolves these conflicts, the reader understands the personality gestalt of Vyry, that she is a We will write a custom essay sample on Jubilee by Margaret Walker: The Symbolic Importance of the Lady in Black and of the Two Lovers specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Jubilee by Margaret Walker: The Symbolic Importance of the Lady in Black and of the Two Lovers specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Jubilee by Margaret Walker: The Symbolic Importance of the Lady in Black and of the Two Lovers specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer pillar of Christian faith and human dignity, she commands our respect first as an individual and then as a symbol of nineteenth-century black womanhood. Shaped by plantation culture, she realistically embodies its strengths and weaknesses and she is neither bitter nor political in her philosophy of life. Her major strengths are integrity, resourcefulness, pragmatism, and songs. Her weaknesses are caste prejudice, fidelity to former white owners, and political naivete. (Bell 289) There is an interesting symbolism in the fact that Vyry marries Innis Brown and not Randall Ware. Though she was passionately in love with Ware, circumstances do not permit their marriage. But the author’s choice of Innis Brown as her destined match has connotations beyond the practical. Randall Ware, for all his righteous thoughts and actions is a man born into freedom. He belonged to that rare species of freed blacks, and he is also literate. He has established himself professionally as a blacksmith and has carved out a respectable life for himself. But his condition is atypical of the status of the larger black community. People of his ilk are an exception rather than the rule. He is legally on par with white folks and his demeanour reflects a sense of superiority. Vyry, on the other hand, is a mulato and, hence, legally a slave, although her fair skin can potentially pass her off as white (Dieng 118). Analysing their romance from political, social and legal backgrou nds, it is fair to conclude that Randall Ware and Vyry have fundamental dissimilarities. Apart from the nominal distinctions between them, their core principles and objectives in life are also divergent. In this scenario, it makes no literary sense for the author to take their relationship to fulfilment in the marriage. For the same reasons, there is a common ground between Vyry and Innis Brown’s life causes, despite the contrasting backgrounds that they originate from. So, Walker employs the sentiment of predestination in bringing Vyry and Innis Brown together (Lowery 21). Still there is social and political congruence in this outwardly unexpected event in the story. It is for implicitly presenting these facts, concepts and events surrounding Vyry’s life that Walker describes the relationships between Vyry and her two lovers in connection. For example, Randall Ware and Innis Brown are antithetical types. Born into a family of free black artisans who served in the Union Army, as well as being a Reconstruction politician, Randall is the voice of black nationalism and radicalism in the novel. It is he who plants the idea of freedom in Vyry’s head, giving concrete social reality to the sermons and prayers that God would send a Moses to free her and her people. He is bitter because whites do not respect his rights as a free citizen, and he resists their efforts to cheat, terrorize, and emasculate him. Born a slave, Innis is hard-working and courageous in his protection of Vyry and as naive, conservative, and practical as she is. All he wants in life is a farm of his own where he could raise his own crops and family. (Bell 289) In order to better understand the significance of the romantic triangle between Vyry, Randall Ware and Innis Brown, the historical veracity of the story has to be taken into account. In Walker’s own words, an important purpose for writing the novel was â€Å"to substantiate my material, to authenticate the story I had heard from my grandmother’s lips†(Lauret 198). In this sense, Jubilee stands on par with the slave narratives by Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs. The reminiscence of these vital historical works are found in details such as Vyry’s cruel mistress, her first severe punishment, â€Å"daily life both at work and after hours in the Quarters, the thirst for freedom and the despair Vyry feels when the dream seems unattainable†(Beaulieu 16). Other features of slave life given by the author include â€Å"slave auctions (Vyry herself is put up for sale once), public beatings ( Vyry witnesses the execution of two enslaved women who w ere accused of poisoning their masters, along with other enslaved persons as part of the Fourth of July festivities), the ever-present patrollers, and a failed escape attempt†(Beaulieu 16). Yet, a crucial area where Jubilee differs from the preceding works of the genre (as well as later works such as Dessa Rose, Beloved, and Family) is its emphasis on the protagonist’s love life. In conclusion, Margaret Walker attaches substantial importance to the relationship between Vyry and her two lovers. Consequently, she features them together at several points in the novel. Through these excursions into the interpersonal realm of the protagonist’s eventful life Walker is able to offer some value beyond the merely political and historical one. Moreover, this intertwining narrative structure employed with respect to Vyry and her two lovers brings out the contrasting character types of the two male protagonists. This literary manoeuvre lets itself to be read in terms of symbolisms of love, politics, and society. Works Cited Beaulieu, Elizabeth Ann. Black Women Writers and the American Neo-Slave Narrative: Femininity Unfettered. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. Print. Bell, Bernard W. The Afro-American Novel and Its Tradition. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts, 1989. Print. Cash, Floris Barnett. â€Å"Kinship and Quilting: An Examination of an African-American Tradition.†The Journal of Negro History 80.1 (1995): 30-35. Pritnt. Dieng, Babacar. â€Å"Reclamation in Walker’s Jubilee: The Context of Development of the Historical Novel.†Journal of Pan African Studies 2.4 (2008): 117-123. Print. Graham, Maryemma. â€Å"The Fusion of Ideas: An Interview with Margaret Walker Alexander.†African American Review 27.2 (1993): 279-286. Print. Lauret, Maria. Liberating Literature: Feminist Fiction in America. New York: Routledge, 1994. Print. Lowery, Charles D., and John F. Marszalek, eds. Encyclopedia of African-American Civil Rights: From Emancipation to the Present. New York: Greenwood, 1992. Print. Walker, Margaret. Jubilee. New York: Houghton Mifflin. 1966. Print.
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