Thursday, October 31, 2019
Article synopsis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Article synopsis - Essay Example One among the most important concern is the way in which the characters are depicted in the video games. The next concern is the relationship and communication between a male character and female character. This changes the mind of the people and it creates a belief that sexism is common. Another major concern is the appearance of female characters in the video games. (Dill & Kathryn, 2007). Though it is an animated picture, the way in which a female character is depicted and gender depiction does not have any reservation. These are the major concerns of the author. The authors have explored the appearance of both the male and female characters. They have also explained how magazines and other forms of media represent these games and the concept of gaming. The content of such video games leave behind a negative effect on the people’s mind, but hardly any magazine or media realizes it. The central concepts of their study are to explore how gender communication and gender portrayal plays a major role in defining the characters. The authors have defined these concepts with the help of surveys and researches which indicate the young people’s perception of video games. The authors conclude that female characters in such games are often underrepresented and male characters are shown to be more aggressive. This article describes the way in which video games influences the people, mostly kids and young adults. I would say that the authors have come up with a realistic representation and they have clearly explained how a women and men are differentiated and represented in these video games. When considering the author’s concern of how a woman is depicted in these games, it is acceptable that women are often represented as sexual characters. (Dill & Kathryn, 2007). The way in which they are characterized seems to be stereotypical and they are none of these games provide a remarkable knowledge. I would definitely say that magazines and media have also
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
FDA Authorization for the Next Generation Sequencer Essay
FDA Authorization for the Next Generation Sequencer - Essay Example It is apparent that different people respond differently to different drugs, and the use of genome sequencing will not only reveal the nature and susceptibility of illnesses, but it will also provide physicians with the specific prescriptions required (Collins & Hamburg, 2013). This technology could be used to develop the most appropriate treatment combinations for different patients suffering from cancer. With genomic sequencing, it is possible for doctors to identify the nature of cancer and predict its spreading patterns; hence, the new system will be instrumental in helping doctors deal with different forms of cancer more appropriately (Collins & Hamburg, 2013). The authorization of marketing for the genomic sequencer is a step closer to developing clinical care that is individually oriented. It is; however, clear that some issues like the absence of legal and regulatory policies for the new system will arise (Collins & Hamburg, 2013). There are signs that the authorities are com mitted to developing the most conducive policies to enable the effective and ethical application of the genomic sequencer. The use of the genomics sequencing technology has the potential to attract ethical issues like insurance companies being acquainted with genomic information about their clients, which could cause the development of exempted services that might be discriminating (Collins & Hamburg, 2013). Access to genomic information by physicians may also lead to substandard applications of the system. It is required that the development of accurate genomic information must be attained through thorough processes that may require recurrent experimentation (Collins & Hamburg, 2013). The FDA is collaborating with the National Institute for Standards and Technology to design the required interpretive material for physicians.Â
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Ways Models May Help Or Hinder The Search For Knowledge Philosophy Essay
Ways Models May Help Or Hinder The Search For Knowledge Philosophy Essay A model is a simplified representation of some aspect of the world. In what ways may models help or hinder the search for knowledge? Q10. A model is a simplified representation of some aspect of the world. In what ways may models help or hinder the search for knowledge? The search for knowledge is an ongoing process through which certain humans intend to find answers and confirmations to questions and statements which continually arise in our society. The use of models as representations may help this task; however these may come in many forms. Different people will have a different opinion on what can be considered a model. I believe the word model implies people as role models of a community, recreation of happenings, exemplary of ideas and any possibly fitting set of information which can be made to represent something. These may be divided into categories such as physical, conceptual or mathematical amongst others depending on the way they have been brought together, what they represent and when and how they are used. An Area of Knowledge in which models may be thought to help is in the Natural Sciences. Scientists try to prove laws and theories with them but there is a great jump between a model and the real life situation. For example, a few months ago I was doing the capture/recapture method estimating population size of an organism. In order to do this we used boxes to represent habitats and beans to represent specie. We tried to prove that the smaller the habitat the less percentage error as well as the greater the habitat the more specie found in it. This was the result expected, nevertheless we all had different ways of looking for the beans, some students did not follow the rules and others had their boxs sides flop out. Consequently, our data was not accurate. The environment had been controlled and human fault made results less realistic. This model helped understand the concept and attain knowledge from its simulation but also hindered the latter as there was room for error. Another example is maps. These are a representation of the world on paper; they transmit geographical information and specific characteristics. Maps guide and help to understand the placement of things on earth. They help the search for knowledge as they are easy to comprehend; they show clear and important objects through which an individual can know where he is standing or going to next visually. However, maps also hinder as roads may be added or changed and information is limited as if absolutely everything was to be drawn on them things would overlap each other and make the search for knowledge difficult rather than clear and easy. Interpreting symbols may be confusing, scales may not be accurate and maps may not always be updated. All these factors alter the quality of knowledge that this model provides. Another example is when a company is to manufacture a product to launch onto the market. Before the real product is made, a prototype is produced. This is the closest representation to the final product. It may be used to change functions or features like shape and colour. It is a base which offers knowledge on how the final product will be like and therefore allows people to work on it to achieve the desired result. This however can be limited by technology, scarcity of adequate resources or perception in the sense that it may not come across in the same way to different people. Some may think the prototype is perfect while others may argue it is not exactly what they wanted. Another important area of knowledge where models are used is in history. Historians try to reconstruct the past with sources such as books written at the time, pictures or other documents. They create models for events to acquire knowledge from an earlier period of time. Here we should question to what extent are models accurate and therefore reliable. For example, the plane crash into the Twin Towers on September 11th was not perceived by everyone in the same way. People who were inside the building and survived will give a different account to that of someone who just witnessed the event on the street or on the news. Based on perspective and emotion, these two people would provide a different re-enactment of what they claim to know. How do we know which one to trust? In this case the accuracy of media and its manipulation of language will also have to be an important factor in the search for knowledge for what really happened and how. In addition, the use of ways of knowing is fairly important when attaining knowledge from a model. Are we using reason or emotion and whether this reason is deductive, Everyone who eats chocolate is fat. John eats chocolates. Therefore, John is fat. Or inductive, All of the Spanish girls we have seen are brunettes. All Spanish girls are brunettes. The latter implies a generalization in which assumptions are problematic because truth is suggested but not ensured. Consequently, the conclusion reached may not be right and result in misleading knowledge which then may be preceded by a wrongful model. Models are created by humans who are led by either language, reason, emotion or perception which make them somehow biased. Models have an input, a processor and an output. Hence, the way we intake information is vital as it will vary our way of seeing the model and detecting to what extent our findings are being hindered or helped. The language in relation to models is also significant. We must examine whether professionals in each field of the areas of knowledge would refer to models in the same way. Would an artist see a model and the information it provides with the same eyes a mathematician would? The same model may not be equally useful to both and the extent to which it hinders or helps what they are looking for may be different to each. This may depend on what they are seeking and what they already know. Take for example Mozarts music. If a mathematician and an artist where to listen to it, a mathematician may be finding a mathematical structure in terms of notes, beat or rhythm whereas the artist may be looking at the emotion the harmony provides. The model is the same, but they both look into it differently. We could think that if they were both to find the same specific information from it which was more inclined to one area of knowledge than the other; one would obtain better results as he is more of an expert in it. Another example of models helping the search and understanding of knowledge is in economics. Graphs, for example, help students understand trends and social behavior. However, these may not always be right as they tend to generalize. Not all people concerned with the study represented may have had a say in it so assumptions have been taken. When thinking of models we should consider whether there are any for resolving ethical situations. Is there a model we can look at for moral direction? For example, if someone comes up to you and asks what they should do if a ship were sinking and they had to save either a relative on one side or a newborn on the other, Is there a model to which we can refer to, to solve this dilemma? We should consider whether models can tell us how to behave, if so, who is to design such models and can they really be universally trustworthy to lead us to a right decision. A table of results may be considered a representation of a community in some aspect. Take for example a set of data which shows a survey on whether the death penalty should be adopted in a country or not. This would help the search for knowledge of peoples opinion on this. Similarly, it would hinder it as different people would have based their answers on different principles. How do we know that the methods used to obtain the results are precise? Can we be certain that it is a true reflection of the countrys view on this topic? Have we considered peoples backgrounds, culture or religious beliefs and if this affects the answer given? Likewise, stereotypes may be seen as role models. For example, Homer, a character from The Simpsons may be seen as a white American stereotype. He is a negative example of what some people may think is the typical American; fat, lazy and not very bright. This may help to understand the qualities and characteristics an American may have, but is it right for people to prejudice a group of individuals on the image a series gives of them? Does this mean they are all like that? How do we know to what extent the series portrays the real American or provides a misleading view of it? In conclusion, models are an important part of our daily life. They may be treated differently in the distinct areas of knowledge and may help or hinder to different extents. When looking at models some of the key factors are baring in mind assumptions, limitations, perspectives and reliability. Can we define the accuracy of knowledge? Probably not, but models do help attain a close representation of reality which contribute significantly to the search for knowledge.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Technology taking over Parenting Essay -- essays research papers
Technology in the world today is becoming more advanced than ever. Parenting is being made easier and harder for some families because of the new technology. Some families do not have the money for the new additions to the technological world and other families have everything they have ever imagined. Amitai Etzioni is a professor at George Washington University. He has written nineteen books including the article â€Å"High-Tech Parenting.†It appeared in The American Enterprise in January of 1998. Etzioni writes on how a relationship between parent and child is becoming nothing more than a virtual relationship. Time usually spent together at home over a homemade dinner is now time spent on the cell phone. I feel that the technology world is coming up with many new features for the parents to make it easier for them. Parents are being given the advantage of blankets to put their children to sleep instead of them having to do it themselves. The parenting world is getting easier. Too busy parents count on beepers and cell phones to keep their children in reach. Instead of the kids counting on the random talks on the way to the movies, mall, or during a long walk on the beach, they now count on a ring or an upbeat tune to let them know its time to talk. This â€Å"beep-and-ring relation†is what is becoming of the families today. This information is very true and Etzioni makes a good point. These parents do not have time for their kids and they use electronics and other devices to talk to them. All families have different morals and the way they teach their kids to do certain things. Etzioni implies there is only one way to do that, cell phones. The readers are most likely to agree with this statement which then leads them to believe eve... families will not punish their kids, no matter what the circumstance is. They were never taught to punish so their kids are that way too. This is when the kids delay turning off the TV or doing their homework until the last minute. In Conclusion, Etzioni is talking only to the business people of the world and not the everyday mom with four kids in the van. He does not take note that all families are different and that not all families have the same morals. He is one sided and exaggerates on the situation. He may not have grown up in a family where mom or dad was at home and his childhood is what he thinks everyone’s is like. Cell phones conversations are replacing the traditional one on one time with daughter and mother, son and father, etc. Etzioni’s article has very good points made in it. It also has points that could be changed to fit the average lifestyle.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Internet Use: The Advantages and Disadvantages Essay
Claim 1 Internet are useful and allow people across the globe communication with each other. Reason: The internet changing the communication tools. Evidence: According to Dr. Crispin B. (2010), majority of the users do their work daily with internet and they take a chance to get involved in the discussion during work time rather than their own time. The user especially when do their job, they can used a forum conversation tool and that is the main benefit for customers get any updates. This is because the user can initiate real-time communication with someone who is another part of the world. Dr. Crispin, B. (2010). Bang the Table: Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Communication (Revisited). Retrieved July 2, 2014 from Objection 1 The online communication through internet is not safe. Reason: The online communication may reduce the information given because of the hackers. Evidence: The online security is the one of the disadvantages of the online communication. According to Peter, Andy, Jack & Alex (2010), many hackers are trying to enter user’s computer to get their privacy. Once the hackers get the privacy from the user computer, maybe the information that one to be delivered. Especially when the user make any transfer from their online banking account, the hackers may get advantages using their account. Peter, Andy, Jack & Alex (2010). Welcome to Video Communication World: Advantages and disadvantages of online communication. Retrieved July 2, 2014 from Claim 2 The internet use is an entertainment for everyone. Reason: They can download or install a music via internet, play internet games, exploring their lifestyle through internet and get the update from their favourite celebrities. Evidence: There are various entertainment when surfing the internet. According to David P. K. (2010), a lot of sites offered the entertainment to all user. Firstly, the user can download music via internet. Many website provide free music for their user. Secondly, they also can watch free video online. For example, many site provides download link for the newest movies. So that, the user can easily download and watching it when they want, and without any cost. Next, the online games also famous among the user. They user only need the internet connection to play the game. Kumar D. P. (2010). Internet as a Source of Entertainment. Retrieved July 3, 2014 from Objection 2 There are still have an issues and problems while using internet as a main entertainment. Reason: The user can download and install anything from internet includes the inappropriate content. Evidence: According to Rancourt M. (2010), the user still have an issues when download something from internet. For example, the traffic of the website become quite difficult to download all movies at one time. This also depends on the line of the internet. Some of the website give a link to the inappropriate content. Rancourt M. (2010). Articlesbase: Watch Movies Online Advantages and Disadvantages. Retrieved on July 4, 2014 from Claim 3 The internet can make people life more happy when their sign up the social networking. Reason: They can track their old friends and also make a new friends. Evidence: Social networking become popular online trend for a few years. According to Mikoluk K. (2013), the social networking can make the user and friend always keep in touch. At the same time, the user also can expand their business through social network especially in Facebook. Many user can make their side income with it. Mikoluk K. (2013). Udemy/Blog: Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking: Should you Spend More Time Connecting Online? Retrieved on July 4, 2014 from Objection 3 People more addicted to social networking and fake identity in social networking. Reason: Internet scammers widely. Evidence: There are still have the disadvantages of the social networking. According to Peterson H. (2013), by created the fake profiles on social networking, these scammers trick people whose online. The scammers make their profile look so real. By doing that, so they can easily trick others. Especially ladies, when they feel lonely, they try to find ‘someone’ when online. Peterson H. (2013). Mail Online: ‘Catfishing:’ The phenomenon of Internet scammers who fabricate online identities and entire social circle to trick people into romantic relationship. Retrieved July 4, 2013 from Claim 4 Internet is the source of the information for everyone. Reason: There are many sources for information available on the internet. Evidence: People nowadays can easily get any information through internet. According to Brzeginka (2012), there are big a lot of information on the internet. Everyone can use the information especially student. They can access the internet to get information to doing their assignment. Brzeginka (2012). Advantages and Disadvantages of using Internet – Essay. Retrieved on July 7, 2014 Objection 4 There are still objection when searching the information online. Reason: They are not use their brain for thinking. Evidence: Internet gives us many solution. According to Tamia R. (2013), student when doing their assignment, they just searching on the web what they want and copied. The way of their thinking will reduced. They become lazier to thinking and find the solution. Tamia R. (2013). Negative Effects of the Internet on Students. Retrieved July 7, 2013 from Claim 5 Using internet can save time. Reason: There are many website that provides online shopping for all. Evidence: Nowadays, there are a lots of website provides the goods for peoples. According to Webb T. (n.d), there are many way to save times by using the internet. For example, when they feel hungry, they just only click on the website and they can deliver at your doorstep. This is an efficient way to have something without go anywhere. Webb T. (n.d). eHow: How to save time by Using the Internet. Retrieved on July 7, 2014 from Objection 5 People addicted with internet. Reason: People spent their 24/7 surfing on the internet. Evidence: However, there are still have disadvantages of the internet. When people surfing on the internet, they will get addicted. This can enhance their depreciation and lonely (n.n). The Times of India: Internet has both positive and negative effects: Study. Retrieved July 7, 2013 from REFERENCE Dr. Crispin, B. (2010). Bang the Table: Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Communication (Revisited). Retrieved July 2, 2014 from Peter, Andy, Jack & Alex (2010). Welcome to Video Communication World: Advantages and disadvantages of online communication. Retrieved July 2, 2014 from Kumar D. P. (2010). Internet as a Source of Entertainment. Retrieved July 3, 2014 from Rancourt M. (2010). Articlesbase: Watch Movies Online Advantages and Disadvantages. Retrieved on July 4, 2014 from
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Social jugdement in mary shelley’s frankenstein; an analytical approach
Throughout the story you find that a man named Frankenstein has the desire to create another human being. After his creation was over with he says, â€Å"I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart†(Shelley 1). He abandons this creature when it needs him the most. â€Å"Frankenstein's original reasons for creating life from dead parts are noble. He wants to help mankind conquer death and diseases. But when he reaches the goal of his efforts and sees his creature and its ugliness, he turns away from it and flees the monstrosity he has created. Mary Shelley seems not to condemn the act of creation but rather Frankenstein's lack of willingness to accept the responsibility for his deeds. His creation only becomes a monster at the moment his creator deserts it†(Shelley 3) To the creature Frankenstein is his father and when he left him, he felt neglected and abandoned, not knowing how to take care of himself. So he left not knowing where he would go or how he would survive. He abandoned his creature as if it were an animal. â€Å"Every day, a significant number of people abandon animals in the world today. They are animals who are not equipped to survive on their own. On their own, they starve or freeze to death†(Shelley 2). â€Å"Frankenstein is not willing to fully take the role of the mother of his â€Å"child.†Immediately after its birth he leaves his child and thereby evades his parental duty to care for the child†(Shelley 3). In today's society people neglect and abandon there children like there nothing. When Frankenstein abandoned his creature he didn't even think how the creature felt, he just deserted him. â€Å"The Monster appears to be an almost perfect creation (apart from his horrible appearance), who is often more human than humans themselves. He is benevolent (he saves a little child; he helps the De Lacey family collecting firewood), intelligent and cultured (he learns to read and talk in a very short time; he reads Goethe's Werther, Milton's Paradise Lost and Plutarch's works). The only reason why he fails is his repulsive appearance. After having been rejected and attacked again and again by the people he runs into only because of his horrible physiognomy, the Monster, alone and left on his own, develops a deadly hatred against his creator Frankenstein and against all of mankind. Therefore only society is to blame for the dangerous threat to mankind that the Monster has become. If people had adopted the Monster into their society instead of being biased against him and mistreating him he would have become a valuable member of the human society due to his outstanding physical and intellectual powers†( Shelley 3). His hatred grew from neglect and abandonment. Every person he came in contacted with immediately hated him. Nobody could look past his horrified appearance to see what was inside. His hatred then turned into revenge against his creator. The creature wanted Frankenstein to feel what he feels. The concept of Social Judgement in the Novel: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a complex novel that was written during the age of Romanticism. It contains many typical themes of a common Romantic novel, such as dark laboratories, the moon and a monster; however, Frankenstein is anything but a common novel. Many lessons are embedded into this novel, including how society acts towards anything different. The monster fell victim to the system commonly used by society to characterize a person by only his or her outer appearance. Whether people like it or not, society always summarizes a person's characteristics by his or her physical appearance. Society has set an unbreakable code that individuals must follow to be accepted. Those who don't follow the â€Å"standard†are hated by the crowd and banned for the reason of being different. When the monster ventured into a town††¦ [Monster] had hardly placed [his] foot within the door †¦children shrieked, and †¦women fainted†(Shelley 101). From that moment on he realized that people did not like his appearance and hated him because of it. If the villagers hadn't run away at the sight of him, then they might have even enjoyed his personality. The monster tried to accomplish this when he encountered the De Lacey family. The monster hoped to gain friendship from the old man and eventually his children. He knew that it could have been possible because the old man was blind; he could not see the monster's repulsive characteristics. But fate was against him and the â€Å"wretched†had barely conversed with the old man before his children returned from their journey and saw a monstrous creature at the foot of their father attempting to do harm to the helpless elder. â€Å"Felix darted forward, and with supernatural force tore [the creature] from his father†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Shelley 129). Felix's action caused great inner pain to the monster. He knew that his dream of living with them â€Å"happily ever after†would not happen. After that bitter moment, the monster believed that â€Å"†¦the human senses are insurmountable barriers to our union [with the monster]†(Shelley 138). And with the De Lacey encounter still fresh in his mind along with his first encounter of humans, he declared war on the human race. The wicked being's source of hatred toward humans originates from his first experiences with humans. In a way, the monster started out with a child-like innocence that was eventually shattered by being constantly rejected by society time after time. His first encounter with humans was when he opened his yellow eyes for the first time and witnessed Victor Frankenstein, his creator, â€Å"†¦rush out of the [laboratory]†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Shelley 56). This wouldn’t have happened if society did not consider physical appearance to be important. If physical appearance were not important, then the creature would have had a chance of being accepted into the community with love and care. However, society does believe that physical appearance is important and it does influence the way people act towards each other. Frankenstein should have made him less offensive if even he, the creator, could not stand his disgusting appearance. There was a moment, however, when Frankenstein â€Å"†¦was moved†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Shelley 139).  By the creature. He â€Å"†¦felt what the duties of a creator†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Shelley 97), where and decided that he had to make another creature, a companion for the original. But haunting images of his creation, from the monster's first moment of life, gave him an instinctive feeling that the monster would do menacing acts with his companion, wreaking twice the havoc. Reoccurring images of painful events originating from a first encounter can fill a person with hate and destruction. We, as a society, are the ones responsible for the transformation of the once child-like creature into the monster we all know. We all must come to the realization that our society has flaws that must be removed so that our primal instincts do not continue to isolate and hurt people who are different. We have entered a new millennium with tremendous technological resources at our disposal. Why do we still cling to such primitive ways of categorizing people? Rà ©sumà ©: Mary Shelley made an anonymous but powerful debut into the world of literature when Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus was published in March, 1818. She was only nineteen when she began writing her story. She and her husband, poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, were visiting poet Lord Byron at Lake Geneva in Switzerland when Byron challenged each of his guests to write a ghost story. Settled around Byron's fireplace in June 1816, the intimate group of intellectuals had their imaginations and the stormy weather as the stimulus and inspiration for ghoulish visions. A few nights later, Mary Shelley imagined the â€Å"hideous phantasm of man†who became the confused yet deeply sensitive creature in Frankenstein. She once said, â€Å"My dreams were at once more fantastic and agreeable than my writings.†While many stage, television, and film adaptations of Frankenstein have simplified the complexity of the intellectual and emotional responses of Victor Frankenstein and his creature to their world, the novel still endures. Its lasting power can be seen in the range of reactions explored by various literary critics and over ninety dramatizations. Although early critics greeted the novel with a combination of praise and disdain, readers were fascinated with and a bit horrified by the macabre aspects of the novel. Interestingly, the macabre has transformed into the possible as the world approaches the twenty-first century: the ethical implications of genetic engineering, and, more recently, the cloning of livestock, find echoes in Shelley's work. In addition to scientific interest, literary commentators have noted the influence of both Percy Shelley and William Godwin (Mary's father) in the novel. Many contemporary critics have focused their attention on the novel's biographical elements, tracing Shelley's maternal and authorial insecurities to her very unique creation myth. Ultimately, the novel resonates with philosophical and moral ramifications: themes of nurture versus nature, good versus evil, and ambition versus social responsibility dominate readers' attention and provoke thoughtful consideration of the most sensitive issues of our time. Sources Cited Shelley, M. Frankenstein. 1818.     Â
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